Buchanan Ingersoll & Rooney Introduces Two New Affinity Groups and Reaffirms its Commitment to Fostering Inclusive Work Environment
PITTSBURGH – (August 6, 2024) Buchanan Ingersoll & Rooney announced the launch of two new Affinity Groups, one for first-generation employees and allies and one for employees with disabilities and allies. With the addition of these groups, the firm now offers seven Affinity Groups that are formed around common identities and open to all employees.
Buchanan’s Affinity Groups have been designed to offer members opportunities for mentoring, networking and personal and professional development.
“As a firm, we continue to prioritize an inclusive work environment where each of our employees feels seen and heard,” said Lloyd Freeman, Chief Diversity & Inclusion Officer. “As part of that commitment, we regularly identify new areas of opportunity where we can further support colleagues and create spaces for employees to come together around common interests and identities. We are proud to offer these two new Affinity Groups to all of our employees and look forward to empowering their membership to develop meaningful programming and policy suggestions.”
Buchanan A.S.C.E.N.D. (Alliance for Success in Careers Empowering NextGen Diversity) is the Affinity Group supporting employees who are first-generation college graduates, first-generation professionals, those from working-class backgrounds and allies.
Buchanan E.N.A.B.L.E. (Embracing Neurodiversity Accessibility Belonging Learning and Empowerment) is the Affinity Group supporting employees with visible and invisible disabilities and allies.
The groups are charged with suggesting ideas for cultural and identity awareness programming to Buchanan’s D&I Council, recommending specialty bar associations and other diversity-focused groups for the firm to support, hosting social and networking events, working to enhance the firm’s presence in civic organizations and their respective communities and expanding the firm’s recruitment networks.
Each of the firm’s seven Affinity Groups has a dedicated Chair(s) who organizes and leads regular meetings and guides policies and programming related to each group. To ensure that each group has a direct and transparent line to leadership, all seven Affinity Groups have a designated Executive Sponsor who serves on the firm’s Board of Directors or other leadership role.
Jordan Yeagley and Jayme Bronson will serve as the A.S.C.E.N.D. Affinity Group Chairs, with Jennifer Olmedo-Rodriguez as the group’s Executive Sponsor.
Jonathan Spadt will serve as the E.N.A.B.L.E. Affinity Group Chair, with Jill Lashay as the group’s Executive Sponsor.
Learn more about the firm’s Affinity Groups here.