Buchanan Ingersoll & Rooney attorneys Robert L. Burns, Jr. and Howard J. Wein will present at the Pennsylvania Water Laws and Regulations seminar, hosted by the HalfMoon education company.
In "Complying with Water Quality Laws and Regulations," Wein will discuss state and federal water quality regulations – including the Federal Clean Water Act and its amendments, and the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection – stormwater regulations, point source discharge program, surface water quality standards, sewerage regulations, industrial and agricultural programs, public water supply, water wells, and wetlands and other special protections.
Burns will address "Current Water Rights/Regulatory Issues with Hydrofracking." His presentation will explore the geosciences and hydrologic effects of hydrofracking and review current and proposed regulations, and will review current disputes and litigation, including oil and gas regulations and water withdrawal regulations before the Susquehanna River Basin Commission and the Delaware River Basin Commission.
All three presentations are part of the full-day, multi-state CLE program.