Buchanan Ingersoll & Rooney Presents a CLE and Networking Event on Recent Developments in Antitrust
On Thursday, December 3, 2009, Buchanan Ingersoll & Rooney will host "Recent Developments in Antitrust — A CLE and Networking Event for In-House Legal Counsel." The event will take place at the firm's Philadelphia office, located at Two Liberty Place, 50 S. 16th Street, Suite 3200, from noon until 5 p.m.
Recent decisions in antitrust law and enforcement show us the path to likely developments. Buchanan attorneys James Becker, Steve Bizar, Wendy Newton and Howard Scher will examine and analyze those trends, share updates and provide an overview of developments we can anticipate.
Topics to be covered include:
- Pleading standards in direct purchaser and indirect purchaser cases in the wake of Twombly
- Developments in merger policy and practice before the agencies under the new administration as well as day-to-day counseling points
- Class certification standards and practice in the wake of the Hydrogen Peroxide decision
- Criminal antitrust enforcement trends, including the future of ACPERA
Registration is free, but is required. Space is limited. Kindly respond by Friday, November 20, to Katie Kozora, at 215-665-3602 or katie.kozora@bipc.com.