Buchanan Lands Win from U.S. International Trade Commissions with Affirmative Determination in Sunset Review of Plastic Decorative Ribbons from China
WASHINGTON (August 2024) – The domestic plastic decorative ribbon industry secured from the U.S. International Trade Commission (the Commission) another affirmative determination in the antidumping (AD) and countervailing duty (CVD) cases against imports of plastic decorative ribbons from the People’s Republic of China (China).
The Commission determined that revoking the existing AD and CVD orders on plastic decorative ribbons from China would likely lead to continuation or recurrence of material injury against the domestic industry. This was the Commissions first five-year “sunset” review following the issuance of the AD CVD orders in March 2019.
Because of the Commissions affirmative determination, the 2019 orders on imports of plastic decorative ribbons from China will remain in place. “This affirmative determination will ensure continued relief to the domestic plastic decorative ribbon industry,” said Daniel B. Pickard, lead counsel to the Petitioner and International Trade and National Security practice group leader at Buchanan Ingersoll & Rooney, “both the Commission and the Department of Commerce determined in 2019 that dumping and foreign subsidization was occurring and causing harm to the domestic producers. Today’s decision safeguards against a recurrence of harm.”
This action comes as a result of the review process stipulated by the Uruguay Round Agreements Act, requiring the Commission conduct a review five years following the issuance of AD CVD orders and every subsequent five years thereafter.
The Buchanan team representing the Petitioner also includes Milton Koch, Claire Webster, Caroline Bisk, Grace Welborn, Natan Tubman, and Amanda Wetzel.