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Dec 3 2015
The Union League, Philadelphia, PA

Buchanan attorneys Kenneth L. Racowski and Geoffrey G. Grivner will present “When Shareholders Attack! – Ethics for In-House Counsel,”at the ACC Greater Philadelphia Chapter Meeting on December 3. In the current environment of heightened shareholder activism, in-house counsel and their business clients find themselves engaged with shareholders in pre-litigation, litigation and settlement postures that carry their own set of rules and ethical challenges. From a shareholder demand to inspect your company’s books and records, to heightened access to privileged communications, to the discharge of fiduciary duties, and up through ultimately settling shareholder litigation, ethical requirements and considerations are ever-present. They will address these issues and analyze recent case law effecting the advice in-house provide to their company when it is forced to engage with its shareholders in an adversarial manner.

The event is part of a program of three presentations that morning which will be taking place at the Union League.