New Defense Counterintelligence and Security Agency Director Appointed
On March 15, 2024, the Department of Defense (DOD) announced the appointment of David M. Cattler as the new Director of Defense Counterintelligence Security Agency (DCSA). Cattler’s appointment will commence on March 24, 2024, replacing Acting Director Daniel Lecce, who will return to his position as Deputy Director of DCSA.
DCSA is a federal defense and security agency of the United States DOD that directly reports to the Undersecretary of Defense for Intelligence and Security (USD(I&S)) and is the largest investigative service provider in the federal government.
As Director, Cattler will lead the implementation of centralized critical national security enterprise capabilities for (1) personnel security, (2) industrial security, (3) counterintelligence and insider threat, and (4) security training. DCSA oversees 12,500 cleared facilities under the National Industrial Security Program.
A graduate of the U.S. Naval Academy, Cattler’s leadership experience within NATO, the military, and the intelligence community is extensive. His previous leadership role in the Office of the Director of National Intelligence provided him with vast understanding of intelligence collection and management, analytical capabilities at various service levels, and a wide familiarity in advising leaders from the civil agency level to the U.S. President.
Buchanan’s DCSA and Foreign Ownership and Control Issues (FOCI) Handbook outlines the circumstances under which the DCSA grants security clearances that permit companies and their personnel to perform classified work. Items addressed in the handbook are FOCI mitigation instruments, the security review and rating process, and compliance, in addition to recent developments in FOCI enforcement.
Buchanan’s team of national security attorneys has experience both advising DCSA seniors leaders and working with companies involved in DCSA investigations and is well equipped to assist in navigating the complex issues related to national security and defense.