Law360 Interviews William C. Rowland on USPTO Plan to Speed Up Patent Application Process
An article that was published in Law360 on June 12 discusses the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office’s new program, which would process software patent applications more quickly if they include a glossary defining key terms. Attorneys believe the new program could present a tough choice for applicants, suggesting that getting a patent faster will come at a cost of reducing the protection it provides, Law360 reported.
Intellectual Property Shareholder William C. Rowland told the publication that the patent office and eventually the courts will interpret claims more narrowly when including a glossary of defined key terms.
"I don't think there's any doubt that it will clarify the claims, but the question is whether people want to go this extra step, since it limits the scope of the claims as well as clarifies them," Rowland added. "Clearly, it's a two-edged sword."
Read the full article – “USPTO Plan To Speed Up Patent Apps Will Limit Protection” (Law360, June 12, 2014) Subscription required.