Buchanan Names Christopher R. Thorn as 2018 Leadership Council on Legal Diversity Fellow Victoria Forson Oguntoye and Niraj Rath as Pathfinders
PITTSBURGH – February 12, 2018 – Buchanan Ingersoll & Rooney names Christopher R. Thorn, shareholder and chair of the firm’s Immigration group, as a member of the 2018 class of Leadership Council on Legal Diversity (LCLD) Fellows, a program designed to train and advance the next generation of leaders in the legal profession. The firm also names Victoria Forson Oguntoye, associate in the Litigation section, and Niraj Rath, associate in the Tax section, as members of the 2018 class of LCLD Pathfinders, a program that trains early-career attorneys in critical career development strategies including leadership and the building of professional networks.
According to LCLD, both programs offer participants a year of relationship-building, in-person training, peer-group projects, and extensive contact with LCLD’s top leadership as well as online experiential learning and opportunities to network with peers and esteemed LCLD Fellows in small group gatherings. The Fellows Program is one of LCLD’s most important initiatives and the Pathfinder program is now in its third year.
Founded in 2009, LCLD is a growing organization of more than 285 corporate chief legal officers and law firm managing partners who are personally committed to creating a more diverse and inclusive legal profession.