William A. Garvin Quoted in BNA's Health Care Daily Report on CMS Device Coverage
William A. Garvin, shareholder in our FDA and Pharmaceuticals section, was recently quoted in BNA's Health Care Daily Report on a bill that would streamline Medicare's coverage and reimbursement process for so-called breakthrough devices.
H.R. 5009 also would push the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services to cover treatments that aren't proven safe or effective, Diana Zuckerman, president of the National Center for Health Research, said in an e-mail. The National Center for Health Research is a nonprofit group that encourages new and more effective programs and medical treatments.
William Garvin, a Washington-based life sciences attorney at Buchanan Ingersoll and Rooney PC, characterized the legislation differently. “I believe H.R. 5009 will help encourage innovation into breakthrough medical devices that could provide effective treatment or diagnosis to life-threatening or serious human diseases.”
Full article is available here (subscription required)