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Law360 recently published an article discussing five matters that partner-level attorneys say are their top priorities for closing out the year. Buchanan Ingersoll & Rooney  shareholder Michael J. Hanlon both weighs in.

Hanlon says that "it's important to have a conversation with clients about what's going on with their business at year end and what they're looking at going forward for next year. It's really more about demonstrating concern for them and concern for their business, without regards to 'Oh, by the way, can you send me a check?'"

"I think at the end of that whole process, when you make people aware of potential issues that they may not have been aware of or may not have understood really the impact it would have on the business, then work will flow out of that naturally," Hanlon continued.

The article says that while it’s important to focus on clients and billing, several shareholders noted that it’s important for firm leadership to focus on communicating in-house goals during this time of year as well.

Read the full article – “Top 5 End-Of-Year Partner Worries” (Law360, December 9, 2014) Subscription required.