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Over the last 18 months, it has been difficult to sustain community within the workplace. There is less opportunity to see the familiar faces of coworkers as we have become accustomed to seeing colleagues over video chats rather than bumping into them at the office. The overload of virtual meetings and conference calls have created a weaker bond between employees, and has also made it more difficult for employees to feel engaged. As calendars become congested with numerous meetings and the hybrid work environment persists, it is necessary for companies to not lose sight of the importance of inclusivity.

On this episode of Dimensions of Diversity, host Lloyd Freeman is joined by Aneesh Mehta and Rebecca Benavides from Microsoft, who share their best practices for conducting inclusive and engaging meetings within a hybrid work environment. The two speakers will provide insight into Microsoft’s research-driven guide on how to run inclusive meetings and share tips on how to engage employees. Further, they will share their thoughts on the importance of meeting-leaders properly preparing their teams prior to meetings, setting the tone, setting expectations, and challenging themselves to think beyond surface-level involvement so that productivity can continue to thrive in the workplace.

You can listen to Dimensions of Diversity in many places: on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Pocket Casts, and more.

Dimensions of Diversity is a podcast created by Buchanan Ingersoll & Rooney, highlighting diversity in the workplace. Hosted by Lloyd Freeman, Chief Diversity & Inclusion Officer, the podcast features meaningful conversations with industry and community leaders working to advance D&I.