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During the fourth episode of Dimensions of Diversity, the firm’s CDIO, Lloyd Freeman is joined by Conway Ekpo, a lawyer who has spent half his career in Big Law and shifted to a role in-house at a major corporation. Ekpo is an adjunct law professor and a frequent speaker/writer on diversity in the legal profession.

Freeman and Ekpo discuss whether diversity mandates in the legal field are doing enough to actually improve diversity and inclusion, or if many companies are too quick to celebrate stagnant progress. Specifically, Ekpo discusses Coca-Cola GC Bradley Gayton's recent letter calling out this lack of progress as a crisis for the legal industry and the company's new law firm diversity requirements for its outside counsel.

You can listen to Dimensions of Diversity in many places: on Apple PodcastsGoogle PodcastsSpotifyPocket Casts, and more.

Dimensions of Diversity is a podcast created by Buchanan Ingersoll and Rooney, highlighting diversity in the workplace. Hosted by Lloyd Freeman, Chief Diversity and Inclusion Officer, the podcast features frank conversations with leaders all across the world of workplace diversity.