William A. Garvin Mentioned in AHPA Newsletter for Participation in Kombucha Webinar
The American Herbal Products Association recently broadcasted the third in a series of webinars, titled “Kombucha Tax, Labeling and Legislation.” Buchanan Shareholder William A. Garvin presented during the webinar, which provided regulatory and technical guidance to the kombucha industry.
In a follow-up newsletter, AHPA noted that Garvin’s portion of the presentation focused on the regulatory issues that one can face.
"Right off the bat, you want to be thinking about how you want to be regulated and are you doing what you need to be doing to be regulated in that product class," Garvin said. In his presentation, he noted that the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) often uses product claims to which regulations apply to the product.
Garvin also reviewed labeling regulations during his presentation.