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G. Calvin Hayes’ insights about making cybersecurity a priority for every company were featured in an article in the Daily Business Review. As Hayes explains, “Two types of corporate computer networks are used in the market today: Those that have been compromised, and those that will be.”

His article describes why cybersecurity is so important – especially because of the negative effects cybersecurity breaches had on major companies, such as Target, and its customers.

“Reputations were sullied. Investors were riled. Corporate executives and boards of directors were left to answer hard questions. In some cases, such breaches result in multimillion-dollar fines. Whether through maliciousness or apathy, the actions of a few harmed entire companies.”

Hayes notes how these breaches should be concerning to any company’s CEO, board of directors and chief information officer, and he provides a to-do list for a company to help it manage the risk of a data security breach. Tips include recognizing the ramifications beyond an actual breach, creating a culture of ownership, creating a crisis plan, and collaborating with a company’s professionals to create teams that will add a human layer to the web of protection a company instills.

Hayes summarizes, “[Cybersecurity is] a 24/7 endeavor — a constant battle that's only as valuable as a company's network, customers, stock price and reputation. Put a price on that, and then you'll realize how important data security has to be for your company.”

Read the full article (subscription required) – “Why Cybersecurity Should Be Every Company's Priority” (Daily Business Review, March 9, 2016)